PEPS private investigator services
March 3, 2014
“Medals Aren’t Enough: Female Athletes Still have to Sell Sexiness.” With the 2014 Winter Olympics having just closed, people have become excited about the plethora of new events, including snowboard and ski “slopestyle”- an exciting display of downhill snowboarding tricks. However, it has become evident that not much has changed in the realm of Olympic […]
February 11, 2014
There are crimes committed by college students, and often on college campuses. The question is how to respond. There are numerous crimes, both felonies and misdemeanors, that college students should be aware of and know how to respond when they come across these situations. A few examples are, breaking and entering of an automobile […]
November 11, 2012
PEPS Private Investigator Drug Awareness to provide basic instructions regarding “Club Drugs” in the work place and Drug Screening. Work Place Drug Screening and Drug Seminars For Your Business, PEPS Private Investigator Seminar Objectives. 1. Define “Club Drugs” 2. Identify Common “Club Drugs” 3. Identify Methods by which “Club Drugs” are ingested 4. Identify […]
April 2, 2011
With the Celtic Tiger in full roar Ireland’s wealthy individuals are increasingly turning to the services of bodyguards. Chris Lowry talks to Noel Whelan, National Director of the Association in Ireland. With the Celtic Tiger in full roar Ireland’s wealthy individuals are increasingly turning to the services of bodyguards. Chris Lowry talks to Noel Whelan, […]